
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It's more than sharing stuff

I've been letting the whole community debate swill around my head a while longer and I realise I've been focusing on the sharing of stuff. What stuff do I share, what is mine, how do we share stuff? Etc...

The problem with that of course is that I remain resolutely materialistic. My eyes remain fixed on earthly things, I'm worried about my stuff. I'm worried that someone will break my stuff, not give me my stuff back, not share with me their stuff (that I may want), that I'll pay more than they will. Deep down I'm just trading some of what I don't use a lot to gain access to more stuff. Deep down I'm not really as free from the love of possessions as I would like.

If a friend I really care about is in need I'll do what I can and not a minimum but to a maximum. For other people I tend to share to the minimum. What's the least I can manage? The problem is that I've not enough love for those outside my circle of friends.

How different was the early church? Their cozy group of close knit friends, with the same language, values, beliefs and backgrounds was shattered on the day of Pentecost when 3000 strangers from all over the middle east speaking a dozen languages were suddenly added to their group. Yet people soon began selling what they had to provide for their new members of their family. Not because they had great rules but because they had great love.

So, perhaps then what I need more is a generous, big hearted love for the people of God and out of the overflow of my love comes my willingness to share because the treasure I seek cannot be found on earth, cannot be bought, cannot be traded, cannot be sold. "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose".


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