I'm not a Tory but well done them for applauding this speech at this years party conference
The Table that Was, Is, & is to Come
5 hours ago
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The Simple Pastor
a non christian mate of mine was at that conference and was very very scathing about this speech.
His main point was that he was nervous that British Christians want to get a hold of the conservative party like American Christians have with the republicans.
Has to be said, I share his concern.
The point may be a fair one with regard to the Conservatives but it doesn't relate to the speech. Is Dave Sharples a Tory member? I've no idea but my point is your mate's criticism is of the invitation and of a fear of the Religious Right. I think we're a million miles off having a religious right in this country and even if we are, if that Christian Right is involved in social action and justice for the poor and the inner cities then it will look NOTHING like the one in the US.
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