The 2nd Breathe Conference has a new date of April 25th. It's looking promising. We're privileged to have Pete Greig as our keynote speaker and we're going to consider the Promise of Life as a way of helping us live differently in a consumer age.
If you're on Facebook you can find details here or here for the website. Be great if you can come and do say hello, be great to meet to you.
Here's the explanation...
"Greetings from Breathe,
We need to announce a date change for this year's conference. We're sorry for any inconvenience - especially to those who took our advice before Christmas and cancelled weddings or graffiti-ed the date on their nearest bus stop...
We caught wind recently of a major demo in London on March 28th involving a host of major development and environmental groups. We had to make a tough call about the date, and decided that it's best to leave it free for people to come to London and protest for a fairer world. So we've moved the conference to after Easter: 25th April (still at St Paul's Hammersmith, 10-3pm).
We're still delighted to be having Pete Greig, a founding champion of the 24-7 prayer movement and author of God on Mute, to join us. As the day approaches we'll also be releasing details of the Promise of Life -something significant and practical we'd like to try together, beginning on that day.
Please forgive us for the date confusion. Join us on the day. Check out details on the website, sign up on Facebook. And forward this to anyone you can think of...
The Friends of Breathe
(Jeremy Williams, Mark Powley, Holly Elson, Chris Webster & Phil Whittall)
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10 hours ago
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