You can either read this book start to finish (as I did) or dip in and out and follow different leadership paths as the book connects up different leadership lessons. Both would work, but I'm a front to back kind of reader.
It seems to me that Bill is the ultimate CEO style church leader, no question this guy could lead a major corporation and although this is not the only leadership style there is still so much to learn that would help me become a better leader. Having read it once, I really need to go back through it, pencil in hand.
If you're a leader or aspire to leadership then this is a great book to read, it will sharpen your thinking no end, give you great insights into many leadership challenges and battles and set you thinking with renewed energy about how to advance in your area of leadership. I'm not sure I'm a CEO kind of leader, unless there's a new scruffy kind of CEO, but I wouldn't hesitate in getting prospective leaders to read this.
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