
Thursday, August 30, 2007

Let's Go North Shrewsbury - Day One

Well we're up and running! Let's Go North Shrewsbury began today. We were so encouraged by the turn out with 54 volunteers from 5 churches coming on the first day. In fact we had so many people that we did an expected 2 afternoon's work in one. We delivered over 5500 Gospel Newspapers (The Son) and the same number of invitations to events taking place over the weekend. 

In the morning Bernard Glover (Wildwood Christian Fellowship, Stafford) led us in worship and Nigel Lloyd (Gateway Church, Wrexham) set the scene for us reminding us of last year's exploits and what God can do through us this time. I chipped in by walking us through Acts 4 as we look forward to God bringing people to Christ and healing the sick.

Then this evening, Gareth LeLong-McKean (such a long surname), led us in worship as we gathered again to pray and petition God for the rest of the week.

It was a starting day, a day of sowing seeds and getting going but it was a great way to start as we sensed God's presence with us. Looking forward to tomorrow after a much needed night's kip.  


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