
Friday, June 27, 2008

Revival/Outpouring roundup

OK, so I said I wasn't going to post on this stuff anymore, but since I completed my series of posts on my trip to Dudley, a bunch of people started writing again, so here's a round up.

  • Matt Hosier gives his view here and has some audio here.Very balanced with a concern to remain united and not divide into polarised camps. I agree.
  • Dave Warnock has started reviewing the teaching at Dudley and has concerns over the method Todd Bentley uses in healing
  • Peter Kirk reports that Todd Bentley is coming to the UK so I'm sure we shall see a spike in interest then. Peter remains the most committed defender on the blogs that I've come across.
  • Interestingly Julian Adams reports from South Africa how a church there beginning similar meetings and seen some exciting things happen as a result of a visit to Dudley.
  • Unashamed Workman has some interesting points on a biblical understanding of healing miracles, although I'm not totally convinced.
I'm sure there's lots more out there but these are the ones I've found and read...


Unknown on 28 June 2008 at 23:04 said...

thanks for posting this series Phil, I have found your comments very helpful. I guess I share some similar concerns without necessarily wanting to reject everything completely. I have toyed with the idea of blogging about it myself, but I'm not sure I want to let loose my "transferable annointing of cynicism" on to everyone before properly examining things first.

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