
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Two years of blogging

Today, I've been blogging as the Simple Pastor for two years. It's been interesting. I've developed a new hobby, found a creative outlet for staying up late and being insatiably curious about the world and given regular time to writing. I have on occasion spent too much time messing and tinkering with the blog or reading other people's blogs or whatever. But on the whole it's been a good thing for me and I'm glad I've kept it up.

It's also grown - at the beginning you're excited if anyone other than your wife reads the blog and now, according to Google Analytics I have nearly 600 unique visitors every month and apparently 5561 different people have visited in the last two years, I find that pretty amazing. Although perhaps not too surprisingly nearly half of them have never come back! Anyway, thanks for being unique.

So what's been the most read posts or topics?
  1. Top of the tree are all things revival related. 13 of my top 20 posts in terms of visits have something to do with Dudley, Lakeland, Todd Bentley or revival. I've created a summary page of those posts here. Not sure how I feel about that.
  2. The healing controversy between my church and the ASA came next. Read what happened here
  3. Then this book review of Holy Discontent by Bill Hybels. Not sure why.
  4. Followed by this video about Jonny the Bagger
  5. I'm glad at least one post related to my general theme of simplicity and generosity made it. It was this one where I reflected on being robbed.
  6. Another book review, this time, this year's blockbuter - The Shack
  7. Being called out by Dave Warnock on being ecumenical just made it
  8. Lastly, we have a third book review this one on Remarriage and Divorce


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